More about homeopathy

Origins of  Homeopathy

                   Though Hippocrates (460 - 370 B. C.) is believed to be the first Homeopath, the current practice of Homeopathy was shaped by Samuel Hahnemann, in 1796. Since then, Homeopathy has spread world over. 

 What can Homeopathy treat?

                 Homeopathy can help treat any physical, mental, emotional or behavioural issue - from localised physical conditions like eczema, wounds, ulcers, warts to systemic issues like hormonal imbalances, auto-immune diseases, metabolic issues, allergies, developmental delays to mental/emotional/behavioural issues like learning difficulties, phobias, bereavement, anxiety, lack of confidence, tantrums, autism, obsessive compulsive disorders and so on.  

 What happens in a Homeopathic consultation?

                    Homeopathy believes that an individual's current state of health is a dynamic output of genetics, life events/traumas, diet and lifestyle. Therefore, the first consultation aims to gather details of the current issues along with information about past health issues, traumatic events and family history.  Based on this, remedies are prescribed to stimulate body's own healing processes. So, please allow 2-3 hours for an initial consult.

 How safe are Homeopathic remedies?

                     Homeopathic remedies are prepared by diluting and 'shaking' the original substance, tens, hundreds and sometimes even thousands of times which means there is absolutely no danger of addiction or toxicity. This process allows the remedies to be gentle, safe and yet powerful, making it safe for use during pregnancy and infancy. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body's natural healing mechanism with no unpleasant side-effects. These remedies can be safely used alongside allopathic medicines too.